Thursday, February 25 (Renew Daily)

“But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength;they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint” (Isa. 40:31).

Being earth-bound creatures, we have limited sight. We can only see from one finite perspective here on the ground. In order to really see with understanding, sometimes we have to “step off solid ground” and see with eyes of faith from a bird’s-eye view.

High above, everything becomes clear and we can see a greater scope. Those things that looked like towering mountains suddenly become much smaller and less invincible when we’re looking at them through eyes of faith.

Sometimes, the Lord hides things from us in plain sight, and all it takes is a shift in perspective to see rightly. The sun still shines brilliantly even when covered by clouds; we simply can’t see it in its fullness from where we’re standing.

We have boxed-in mindsets that hold us to a particular way of thinking. We grow disillusioned and weary in the fight when we look at the horizon and can only see so far. In truth, God has good things ahead that we can’t even begin to conceive.

Stepping off the ground requires a leap of faith that can be a difficult step for some of us. But when we are soaring with Him on the heights, we find the strength to carry on in the journey. And it’s there that our vision is made clear to see as He does.

Today, lift your eyes higher and see with a renewed perspective.