Sunday, May 9 (Renew Daily)

“He has satisfied the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty” (Luke 1:53).

Spiritual hunger is all about the bent of your heart. Inevitably, you’ll run after what you hunger for; you’ll crave what you’ve allowed to feed your spirit. The paradox of the gift of hunger is that you’ll always be hungry and never completely satisfied in this life, for you were meant for another world. It’s an ache that draws God’s nearness.

Addictions give you the illusion of satisfaction — often in an attempt to drown out forms of pain — so that you become addicted to the feeling of whatever brings you pleasure, a feeling that only provides momentary relief. This need to be satisfied, this gift, is actually the fingerprint of God on your soul, a means to draw you to Himself.

In your human striving, you fill your time with things that soothe your aching soul but blind your eyes and deafen your ears to the beckoning of a lovesick God. And so you become content with only a minuscule measure of what He longs to give you.

It’s the continual searching and seeking, the continual pursuit of the heart fascinated by Jesus, that will make Him look upon you and see a radiant Bride.

Today, ask the Lord to awaken spiritual hunger in you, so that you will crave the things of God.