Sunday, July 11 (Renew Daily)

“What is man that You remember him, the son of man that You look after him?” (Ps. 8:4)

As a human being, you’re the crown of God’s creation. You have the living breath of God inside of you. The angels, who live among Him, don’t have the ability to love God like you do.

They can sing about God, they can express the awe, the glory, and the beauty of what they see — but still, they don’t have the gift of knowing what it means to desire God, to choose Him for who He is.

In this, they envy you.

In today’s society we’re bombarded on every side with distraction. In an age where technology dictates much of how we live, we have the opportunity to say yes or no to specific things. In a time when we have everything we need, God can become more of an afterthought than a first choice.

To be wholeheartedly devoted to and dependent on God in a society that calls our attention to so many different things at once takes an unwavering heart. It takes a conscious decision to live a consecrated life.

It’s a choice to lay all of life aside and pursue the one thing of value. All the other things we go after are futile in comparison.

Today, determine to pursue God wholeheartedly. This is what God desires from you.