Tuesday, May 11 (Renew Daily)

“Lord, reveal to me the end of my life and the number of my days. Let me know how short-lived I am. You, indeed, have made my days short in length, and my life span as nothing in Your sight. Yes, every mortal man is only a vapor” (Ps. 39:4-5).

There is some sense in which you are merely skin and bones, a person who will live and die in the span of a single breath. It’s good to be humbled by your fragility, for tomorrow isn’t owed to you and you shouldn’t live as if it is. You are a mortal human and your life span is nothing compared to the infinite God.

While it’s sobering to think about, this shouldn’t stir up an unhealthy fear in you but rather meekness and love, knowing the Eternal One cares for you deeply.

There is another sense in which you are a remarkable creature of glory, a unique showpiece of God’s creativity. You are His idea, which makes you wonderful and valuable by default. He didn’t mistakenly or carelessly design you, but tailored you to exhibit His glory forever.

This shouldn’t stir up pride in you but rather humility and joy, knowing the Great Creator wove you together for the glorious purpose of delighting in Him and bringing Him glory.

Today, be humbled by your fragility and rejoice in your glorious purpose!

“I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well” (Ps. 139:14).