Tuesday, March 16 (Renew Daily)

In the Gospel of Mark, we read about a man whose son is healed by Jesus. At one point, Jesus gently rebukes the father for doubting Him, and he responds by saying, “I do believe! Help my unbelief.” Can you relate to this man’s outburst? “I believe! And yet I have doubts! But I want to be free of my doubts! Help!”

Most, if not all, Christians have moments of uncertainty, but we must guard against making a habit of it. Worrying about the cares of life (whether major crises or minor annoyances) is called unbelief in the Bible. Because our society tolerates (and, some would argue, even applauds) worry-filled, stressful living, moving from one concern to the next all day long can easily become a way of life.

Are you a believer who doesn’t always believe? If so, do you desire to be free of your doubts and instead live up to the name “believer”? Settle once and for all that you’ll bank it all on Jesus, trusting not only that He exists and that He died and rose again, but also that He is enough.

Today, believe that He provides and that He is Lord—and all that this implies. Fill your mind with thoughts of God, leaving no room for doubt. Like the psalmist, declare, “I keep the Lord in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (Ps. 16:8).