Thursday, April 29 (Renew Daily)

“I am Yahweh, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another” (Isa. 42:8).

According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of “platform” is “a place or opportunity for public discussion.” We’ve become familiar with this term in the past few years because of Facebook, blogs, websites, Twitter, and so on — all of which serve as launch pads to get our message out there. Many people who use such platforms have garnered thousands (or even millions) of followers.

Platforms can also be used to spread the Good News about Jesus … but we must be careful to never reverse the order of things and, instead, use Jesus as the platform by which we exalt ourselves.

Anyone who’s the least bit computer savvy (not to mention those who have a good head for marketing and technology) can build a “kingdom” in the name of God via a blog, YouTube, or a music channel. It’s now possible for the person who would have remained in obscurity just a few years ago to develop a vast audience and great notoriety in a spiritually exploitative way. Some would say that all it takes is mentioning Jesus’ name a certain number of times.

When we demand that Jesus serve our purposes, we attempt to steal His glory and usurp His position as Lord. We tread on very dangerous ground when we appear to be encouraging people to exalt God while silently hoping they’ll celebrate us instead.

Today, take stock of your social media platforms. Do they serve to honor God or bring you recognition? How can you restore balance and righteous priorities?