Friday, March 12 (Renew Daily)

When Jesus walked on the water toward His disciples, who were being tossed in their boat by strong winds, they all thought He was a ghost. Jesus saw their fear and said, “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matt. 14:27).

Peter, perhaps still unconvinced, replied, “Lord, if it’s You… command me to come to You on the water” (v. 28). Jesus told him to step out of the boat, and Peter obeyed.

Miraculously, Peter started walking on the water toward Jesus. Then, suddenly, he noticed how strong the winds around him were and how violently the waves beneath him were roaring. He took his eyes off Jesus and fear set in. What am I doing? Am I actually walking on water? How is this even possible?

When Peter let the reality of his circumstances become greater than the reality of who Jesus is, doubt overcame him, and he started to sink. Jesus reached out His hand and secured His fearful disciple, then He calmed the storm.

When the storms of life are in full force and you feel yourself sinking into the depths of despair, take your eyes off your circumstances and turn them on Jesus, the One who has the power to still the storm. He is your reality. He is your security.

Today, reach out and grab His hand. He won’t let you sink.