Friday, April 16 (Renew Daily)

Sometimes, in an attempt to crush the child of God, Satan overplays his hand. He means to knock her to the ground, but, if she’s positioned correctly, he inadvertently pushes her right into the arms of Jesus.

Do you feel blindsided by some circumstance? Maybe you’ve recently felt the raw, nauseating fear of a negative diagnosis, divorce decree, or pink slip. Satan, like a schoolyard bully, has shoved you as hard as he can, hoping to overwhelm, terrify, and humiliate you. Let your circumstance propel you deeper into Jesus — not just into His presence but into Him, where every good thing exists, and where you’re utterly safe.

As you learn to respond to difficulty in this way, you’ll discover that even the most sorrowful circumstance can become not just tolerable, but beautiful, so much so that after the Lord delivers you from the fire, you long for His presence as it was during your trial.

How can this be? Because Jesus is in the fire with you, and the two of you are dancing through the flames. It’s entirely possible for a believer to face what’s dreaded by everyone and yet feel rich and blessed.

Today, if your heart is broken, abide in the Lord, and the assault of the enemy will drive you not into deeper darkness but into greater light.

“Look! … I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God” (Dan. 3:25, NKJV).