Tuesday, March 2 (Renew Daily)

“No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him” (2 Tim. 2:4, ESV).

It’s easy to wake up, drink a cup of coffee, go about your busy day, and fall asleep again without giving the kingdom a second thought. White noise saturates today’s society, clouding the air with information and advertisements and music and messages at every corner. There is always something to do or somewhere to go.

This noisy culture can serve as a damaging distraction for the believer, though, pulling the mind away from God’s purposes and into the world’s commotion.

Protect your heart and mind against this trap. No soldier gets caught up in the pursuits of ordinary citizen life when there is an extraordinary mission to complete. Do not lose sight of this. God has chosen you to be a warrior for His kingdom, proclaiming and living out the gospel as far as the earth spreads wide.

You’re part of the greatest mission that has ever existed in the greatest war that will ever be fought. You’re equipped with His armor (Eph. 6:10-18) and empowered by His Spirit (Acts 1:8). Do not let your days be filled with mindless habits and ordinary pursuits. Remember your mission. Remember your purpose.

Today, shave away the distractions and center your heart on the mission of God in everything you do, with every step you take.