Tuesday, March 19, 2019: Psalm 66:18

“If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” Psalm 66:18

We live in a time and culture where there is little patience for inauthenticity. In an attempt to uphold this important value of realness, we’ve shifted into an “anything goes” type of belief system. Society deems it courageous when people do what they truly want to do and become who they really want to be. “Live your own truth” has become the celebrated mantra.

Spiritual authenticity and courage is different, though. As evidenced in Psalm 66, authenticity isn’t the goal of the Christian life—it’s a means to the goal. Fellowship with God is the aim; authenticity is a prerequisite for experiencing that fellowship. The psalmist didn’t approach God with an “it is what it is” attitude, as if God might be pleased with authenticity that is void of humility and repentance. Instead, he acknowledged attitudes and behaviors that were sinful so that he could experience fellowship with God in prayer.

To live your truth in relationship with God means to honestly acknowledge sin, not to celebrate it, but to invite God to deal with it. Biblical courage isn’t doing what we want to do or being who we want to be—it is choosing to be and do what God wants, as expressed in His Word. Authenticity and repentance must go hand-in-hand. When we cherish our humanity, we cherish our sin. When we cherish our sin, it breaks fellowship with God. When fellowship with God is broken, our prayers are ineffective.

  • How does Psalm 66:18 speak to you personally about prayer?
  • Pray: Try some journaling today. Invite God to reveal any areas of sin you might be cherishing in your heart. As He does, jot them down. Be honest before Him, but don’t let it end there. In your honesty, submit to Him in humble repentance.