Tuesday, April 13 (Renew Daily)

“Taste and see that the LORD is good. How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Ps. 34:8)

The nature of God is unchanging, constant, and unfailing. In the everyday encounters of life, it’s easy to lose sight of this truth. In whatever circumstances you may find yourself, you have the opportunity to lift your eyes to the hills and dwell upon the goodness of God, because He is exactly who He says He is.

God doesn’t change according to your good days and bad days or your emotional highs and lows. It’s only your perspective of Him that changes during these times.

King David was constantly surrounded by very real troubles and would waver between praise and despair. But when all was said and done, David understood that God alone was his hope. When his circumstances failed to speak of the goodness of God, he knew otherwise. How? Because he had tasted and seen that the Lord is good, and nothing could persuade him to believe anything else.

Everything you experience with your senses is subject to change at any given time. Life is unpredictable. But God is firm and unchanging, a solid rock you can lean on. When life around you crumbles, He remains unmoved because His nature isn’t dependent on your circumstances. Setting your heart and your sight upon the goodness of God can take the darkest night and turn it into the most brilliant day.

Today, set your heart on the goodness of God. Speak to your soul and remember that He is exactly who He says He is.