Thursday, March 14, 2019: Luke 1:37

“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

Long before John Lennon or Samsung ever had a thought about persuading the masses to “Imagine” possibilities, an angel of God brought the news of Jesus the Messiah to a young virgin named Mary. Imagine whatever you like. Gather the greatest minds of all time together and brainstorm the most phenomenal possibilities the human mind can fathom. Nothing will be impossible with God.

It would mean nothing for Samsung to advertise the slogan, “Imagine” if they didn’t back it up with actually putting it into practice and offering newly imagined technology to customers. Similarly, believers in Christ should never stop imagining the possibilities of God’s work in the world. Our lives should reflect His ability to invent those possibilities.

It’s one thing to say, “I believe God can do anything.” It’s another thing altogether to actually live in a way that shows you mean it. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Prayer is one of those works that demonstrates faith. When we believe that God is able to do above and beyond all the possibilities that we can imagine (Eph. 3:20), then our prayer lives take on a tone that reflects that belief. We’ll pray more readily. We’ll pray more boldly. We’ll pray more expectantly.

  • What have you long believed was impossible, even for God?
  • Pray: One way we can reflect the belief that nothing is impossible with God is in the way we pray with and for other people. Other believers are often carrying heavy burdens alone, sometimes even unable to imagine the possibility of God’s power. So watch for opportunities to ask the question, “How can I pray for you?” and then pray right then, out loud, for that person. Praying for one another is powerful and reveals possibilities that might otherwise be missed.