Thursday, February 11 (Renew Daily)

Theologian Paul Tillich defined “trust” as “the courage to accept acceptance.”

The Lord wholly accepts you, but so often you rebuff Him, listing all the reasons you aren’t lovable, as though He’s in the dark concerning your flaws and sins. “Perfect love drives out fear” you read (1 John 4:18), and if you are not careful, you’ll assume you are the one who must love perfectly.

Rather, the verse reveals that once you throw down your defenses and accept His perfect love for you — when you accept His acceptance without flinching — you’ll realize there’s nothing to fear.

A believer’s fearlessness is based on what God does, not what the saint does. God loves perfectly, and this perfect love fills you, enlivens you, and pushes out fear, if you only accept it. Resting in His love puts your fears into perspective to the point of making them look silly.

Have you ever told someone that Jesus loves him unconditionally while refusing to receive that unconditional love yourself? Today, boldly turn your face toward God and receive His love, knowing all the while that He sees you clearly and completely — every sin, every flaw. Refuse to hide from Him. Throw caution to the wind by trusting that you’ll never be alone. Accept the Lord’s acceptance.

“Everyone the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will never cast out” (John 6:37).