Sunday, May 2 (Renew Daily)

“But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him” (Rom. 5:8, MSG).

Perhaps you’re experiencing that stripping moment when you realize God has assigned you to pour yourself into someone who has nothing to give you in return … or who isn’t particularly nice to you … or who is bad-tempered much of the time.

You dread saying yes to the call, and yet you do — because you know that, many times, “doing great things for God” means carrying out the most menial and thankless tasks of all. Jesus taught us this truth by example. He served those who hated Him, even washing the feet of Judas just hours before Judas turned on Him.

Your thankless task might involve seemingly endless days of sitting by a bedside. It might involve home caregiving or listening to the rants of an addict. Beware of becoming lethargic or despondent or of assuming that God has abandoned you in your suffering and sacrifice. Selfless service is beautiful to Him.

He’ll teach you how to exist in this new reality if you’ll allow Him to ground you in the even greater reality of His presence. He might even show you that it’s an honor to be among those appointed to love and care for the broken.

Today, surrender to His will, and you’ll learn to endure in grace (and even joy!) rather than by “white-knuckling” your way through this season. “May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy giving thanks to the Father” (Col. 1:11-12).