Monday, May 13, 2019: Matthew 26:39

“And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39

Which would you say is typically more difficult for you—knowing God’s will or doing it? Sometimes we know what God wants us to do, but if we’re honest, we’d rather choose a more comfortable, self-serving alternative. We don’t pray because it’s easier just not to confront that issue before God and just leave things the way they are.

That might be one reason the disciples fell asleep so easily in the Garden of Gethsemane, instead of staying awake to pray like Jesus told them. Jesus said one of them would betray Him. Jesus told Peter specifically that he would deny Jesus three times. They knew God’s will was that they not betray or deny Jesus, but they had to think about what it might mean—what they might have to sacrifice—to submit to God’s will. It was easier to sleep than to deal with that before God in prayer. In contrast, though, Jesus was committed to carrying out God’s will, no matter the cost. Jesus submitted to unwavering obedience to the Father in prayer, even when it would have been easier to go to sleep and forget about the whole thing.

It might seem more peaceful for a time to avoid those difficult conversations with God where we must submit to His will over our own. It might be easier at first. But like the disciples found out, that kind of peace doesn’t last long. They were about to face the most difficult battle of their lives and would be defeated for a moment (Matt. 26:56). Jesus, on the other hand, was not defeated. In surrendering to God’s will, He brought eternal life and salvation to all. Let that truth empower you to wholeheartedly submit to God’s will and join Jesus in praying, “Your will be done.”

  • Is there a situation where you know God’s will but struggle to obey it? What does this verse teach you about how to find peace in that situation?
  • Pray: Text, call, or meet with another believer to share an area of your life in which you need the most direction, provision, or understanding. Then, pray for one another, just as Jesus called His disciples to do alongside Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. As you do, pray also that you will submit to God’s will.