Monday, March 8 (Renew Daily)

God wants you to depend on Him more than anyone or anything else in the world. He wants your heart and He wants your trust because He knows they are safe with Him; He’ll never let you down.

God told Asa, the king of Judah, that He would be with him as long as Asa depended on Him for protection and provision (2 Chron. 16). At first, Asa embraced this promise and courageously rid the land of all false idols. But then, years later, war was an imminent threat. In fear, Asa made a treaty with a neighboring king to ensure Judah’s safety instead of seeking God’s protection. Because he didn’t go to God first, Asa and his people endured a long period of war.

In a cloud of fear, Asa had forgotten that “the eyes of Yahweh roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His” (v. 9, emphasis added).

God longs to show you that He is all you need, but this requires that you put your full confidence in Him. God knows all of the wonderful things He has in store for you, and He’s anxiously waiting to capture your heart so He can prove to you that He’s trustworthy.

Today, relinquish control and depend on God for protection and provision.

“Were not the Cushites and Libyans a vast army with many chariots and horsemen? When you depended on Yahweh, He handed them over to you” (v. 8).