Friday, February 15, 2019: Matthew 6:10

Friday, February 15, 2019:  Matthew 6:10

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

When was a time you were at a loss for words? Even the most verbally gifted among us have times when we’re caught off-guard by a situation and don’t know what to say or ask.

This also applies to prayer. There are situations in life that confuse us and make it hard to understand how God works. It’s difficult to be God-centered when you don’t know what God is doing. Difficult, but not impossible. Matthew 6:10 is helpful. Jesus knew His disciples would struggle in the world and would find themselves confused, not always understanding what God was up to in allowing sadness and suffering to continue when He had promised to return. He knew they’d wonder why He hadn’t yet. Jesus instructed His disciples to pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done; even when it didn’t look like that was happening.

We’re going to be prone to distraction by the circumstances and struggles of life on earth. God’s desire is for us to follow Him still. To do that, we don’t have to know what words to say. A speechless prayer can be just as God-centered as one that is eloquently spoken. The key is setting our hearts on the longing for His kingdom and will to be revealed.

  • What is a situation in which you’re at a loss for words and the only thing you know how to pray is for God’s will to be done?
  • Pray: As you consider the situation you named, sit in silent prayer before God, trusting in His perfect timing and purpose and longing for His kingdom and will to be revealed.